There are different areas of law; it depends on what type of law you are seeking a question about. Local attorneys would be more apt to deal with local issues such as zoning laws and commercial real estate where as a national company might deal with the issues regarding the manufacturer of certain products if they were brought from out of state. Its best to seek advice from an attorney who has experience in the area you are seeking, most attorneys will refer you to somebody if they do not have experience.
When searching for legal job listings you should first ask yourself what area you want to find jobs in. If you have a law degree and want to narrow down your search to jobs in a certain city you will get information for that area, sometimes surrounding areas are listed if a city or town is small. This might show that an attorney would service more than just their zip code but other counties since legal advice might not be prevalent in all areas.
If you have a Paralegal degree and want to seek employment you should search for the jobs in your field. Although many Paralegals are versed in several areas of law and procedure you should stay within the experience of your degree. If you have worked bankruptcy for many years then search under those keywords. You can also parlay bankruptcy into finance, accounting and corporate. Some areas will bleed into others so gaining experience in a broad area will give you more choices as a Paralegal.
Legal secretaries can search under websites that are designed to help them find jobs. Many law firms pool out their jobs to seekers who produced applications that allow legal secretaries to find jobs that fit their profile. Some law firms are large in size and some are private practice. A legal secretary who applies for a position in a large law firm who has been working primarily with a private practice attorney might not be able to fit in. You should note firm size and what practice areas are within the firm.
Legal job listings are not always for law firms. Sometimes corporations need an in house attorney or Paralegal to help aide their legal department. These types of jobs can be very lucrative because stock options are available and the hours are set by the company versus a law firm. Partnerships are rarely made here for attorneys and the longevity of the job lasts as long as the company does. Law jobs are also listed with the local or federal courts in your area. You can work for the government or for the court system. The listing of legal jobs might pale in comparison to the jobs that are never advertised unless you are within a law firm.